Google Cloud Bigtable Instance Creation – Terraform –


Create an instance of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Google Cloud Bigtable using Terraform. After creation, the procedure to change or delete the instance is also described.
If you refer to the manual of GCP together, I think that work will proceed smoothly.
(Reference information)
google_bigtable_instance – Terraform –
Google Cloud Bigtable

1. Create an instance

1.1. Create a tfvars file.

# cat config.tfvars
credentials  = "/var/credentials/account.json"
project      = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"
region       = "asia-northeast1"

1.2. Create a tf file.

# cat
variable "credentials" {}
variable "project" {}
variable "region" {}

provider "google" {
  credentials  = "${file("${var.credentials}")}"
  project      = "${var.project}"
  region       = "${var.region}"

resource "google_bigtable_instance" "instance" {
  name         = "bigtable01"
  cluster_id   = "bigtable01-cluster"
  zone         = "asia-northeast1-a"
  num_nodes    = 3
  storage_type = "HDD"

1.3. Initialize Terraform.

# terraform init
Initializing provider plugins...

1.4. Plan for Terraform.

# terraform plan -out=tfplan -var-file=config.tfvars
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.


An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  + google_bigtable_instance.instance
      cluster_id:    "bigtable01-cluster"
      instance_type: "PRODUCTION"
      name:          "bigtable01"
      num_nodes:     "3"
      storage_type:  "HDD"
      zone:          "asia-northeast1-a"

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


This plan was saved to: tfplan

To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
    terraform apply "tfplan"

1.5. Create an instance.

# terraform apply "tfplan"
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Creating...
  cluster_id:    "" => "bigtable01-cluster"
  display_name:  "" => ""
  instance_type: "" => "PRODUCTION"
  name:          "" => "bigtable01"
  num_nodes:     "" => "3"
  project:       "" => ""
  storage_type:  "" => "HDD"
  zone:          "" => "asia-northeast1-a"
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Creation complete after 5s (ID: bigtable01)

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

1.6. Check the state of the instance.

# terraform show
  id = bigtable01
  cluster_id = bigtable01-cluster
  display_name = bigtable01
  instance_type = PRODUCTION
  name = bigtable01
  num_nodes = 3
  project = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  storage_type = HDD
  zone = asia-northeast1-a

2. Change instances

Set bigtable 01-display as display name.

2.1. Create a tf file.

# cat
variable "credentials" {}
variable "project" {}
variable "region" {}

provider "google" {
  credentials  = "${file("${var.credentials}")}"
  project      = "${var.project}"
  region       = "${var.region}"

resource "google_bigtable_instance" "instance" {
  name         = "bigtable01"
  cluster_id   = "bigtable01-cluster"
  zone         = "asia-northeast1-a"
  num_nodes    = 3
  storage_type = "HDD"
  display_name = "bigtable01-display"

2.2. Plan for Terraform.

# terraform plan -out=tfplan -var-file=config.tfvars
Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
persisted to local or remote state storage.


An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
  + create

Terraform will perform the following actions:

  + google_bigtable_instance.instance
      cluster_id:    "bigtable01-cluster"
      display_name:  "bigtable01-display"
      instance_type: "PRODUCTION"
      name:          "bigtable01"
      num_nodes:     "3"
      storage_type:  "HDD"
      zone:          "asia-northeast1-a"

Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.


This plan was saved to: tfplan

To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
    terraform apply "tfplan"

2.3. Change the instance.

# terraform apply "tfplan"
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Creating...
  cluster_id:    "" => "bigtable01-cluster"
  display_name:  "" => "bigtable01-display"
  instance_type: "" => "PRODUCTION"
  name:          "" => "bigtable01"
  num_nodes:     "" => "3"
  project:       "" => ""
  storage_type:  "" => "HDD"
  zone:          "" => "asia-northeast1-a"
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Creation complete after 4s (ID: bigtable01)

Apply complete! Resources: 1 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

2.4. Check the state of the instance.

# terraform show
  id = bigtable01
  cluster_id = bigtable01-cluster
  display_name = bigtable01-display
  instance_type = PRODUCTION
  name = bigtable01
  num_nodes = 3
  project = xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx
  storage_type = HDD
  zone = asia-northeast1-a

3. Delete an instance

3.1. Delete the instance.

# terraform destroy -force -var-file=config.tfvars
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Refreshing state... (ID: bigtable01)
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Destroying... (ID: bigtable01)
google_bigtable_instance.instance: Destruction complete after 1s

Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.

3.2. Confirm that the instance has been deleted.

# terraform show


In the future, articles are added to Bigtable which will add tables and reference data.
We hope to contribute to the development of Google Cloud Platform.

